Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What? And in Word too?

So I am checking out how on earth I can blog via Word and bypass a browser completely. How cool is that? Now I can journal and upload within seconds. What would we do without computers? Probably read books and sharpen pencils.

I absolutely love it here at Wheaton. The theological resources they have here, just in this one section of the library alone, are just breathtaking.

I am preparing some sermon series on the book of Philippians for when I get back and start ministering, so I just helped myself to Chrysostom, Calvin (that left the other two sets of volumes + those in the original Greek and Latin versions for others), Spurgeon, Silva, O'Brien, Rogers&Rogers, Lightfoot, Interlinears (sorry Prof. Walton) etc, etc.. I piled them up on my desk and on a chair next to me, sighed in bliss and then got stuck in. It is theological heaven. And not only that, I made such good progress yesterday. I was hoovering it all up. I leave in five days. It's enough to bring you to tears. As I leave, there will be the sound of fingernails being dragged along the carpet. And screaming.

I'm not kidding, in the Billy Graham library (the other one, sheeesh!) there are rows upon rows of books on revival by Finney, Whitefield, Wesley, Baker, etc, etc, etc. I want to stay here and just hide in the library for about a year, WRAP myself up in curiosity and IMMERSE myself in the voices of the most dynamic people who have lived on earth. But I don't want to have to pay $130,000 to come here. Cos I don't have the cash.

Do these people know what they have here? I hope they do.


saurav said...

great post.....

One said...

I am reliably informed that the entrance to Narnia does indeed lie within the bounds of Wheaton College. Is there anything this college has not been able to purchase?

New worlds are all around.

One said...

Thanks Avik