I don't get what's funny about pretending you are from a foreign country, labelling your countrymen as backward, talking about how they call their women whores, abuse their children, drink horse urine, hate the Jews and beat their wives. Then suggest that the bemused manner in which Americans respond is evidence of latent racism in them.
But if it is so funny, why didn't Cohen pick another country to stereotype? Say, a country with black people in it? Or Israel? Or an Islamic country? Of course he wouldn't. That would be far too blatant. Or dangerous. It would cross the line. He wouldn't do it because it would be deemed racist.
So how does he get away with being so prejudiced towards Kazakhstan? Is it because they don't have the muscle to stick up for themselves? Is it funny because we don't know where Kazakhstan is on the map?
In any event if I laugh along with Cohen's slurs, why is it not like laughing at the antics of a playground bully?
In attempting to highlight the wrongs of others, Cohen has become an example of what he is trying to despise. I don't think I'll be going to see this film.
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