Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Favourite Chocolate Bars Ever

According to a recent poll, these are Britains favourite chocolates in this order...

10. Cadbury's Caramel
9. Crunchie
8. Toblerone
7. Flake
6. Kit-Kat
5. Snickers
4. Galaxy
3. Mars

2. Curly Wurly (!)

1. Dairy Milk

Where's the Twix bar? Less popular than Crunchies or Toblerone? It's a conspiracy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Middlesborough Police's Finest Stand Around As A Burglary Takes Place Behind Them

Superintendent Steve Swales, a local police commander, said: "Middlesbrough has made great strides in terms of our professionalism and the service we provide to our community."

Yes, we can just see those strides in action.

Middlesborough Police are making an appeal for the return of their 'Image of Professionalism', last seen stolen in a cardboard box by students running down the road. Any (reliable) witnesses in the area at the time?

Friday, May 11, 2007

French Beatbox Championships 2006

How To Beatbox

Sit in your room and then wait for that special moment of Spontaneous BeatBox Combustion. You won't know what's come over you!

Beatboxing With The Flute

Michael Bublé - A Real Singer

Thursday, May 10, 2007

That Monday Feeling

First Rule of Getting By In The Workplace is... Pick your fights carefully.

Is Simpsons Based On Real Life?

Can Putting Sunglasses On Get Any Cooler?

Men Should Reclaim Their Place

And so Sean Morey has composed a little ditty to make sure we know just who's boss round here. Thanks Sean. It's so nice to know you're not alone... My wife is sitting opposite me laughing like she's been found out...

Very Professional Pilots In A Crisis

No embedding on this clip of an engine on a plane failing on take-off. Could have gone horribly wrong, even fatally, apparently. This happened just two weeks ago. Follow the link.

I wonder if my fascination is a bit morbid but I love clips like this.

This Comedy Clip Feels Really Serious

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

This World Of Ours

Double world in a sphere, originally uploaded by Sunneschii.

Always read...

TSP II, originally uploaded by ukaaa.

Getting ready to write...

Tres Cuartos, originally uploaded by scaamanho.